Culture Of Indonesia

The official language of Indonesia is known as Indonesian or 'Bahasa Indonesian'. Indonesian is a standardised dialect of the Malay language and was formulated at the time of the declaration of Indonesian independence in 1945. Malay and Indonesian  remain very similar.

Although the official langauge, in reality it is most of the population's second language. Due to the sheer size and fractured, island make-up of the country most people speak regional dialects such as Minangkabau or Javanese. These will usually be spoken at home and in the local community but at work or at school Indonesian is used.

Indonesian Society & Culture


. Indonesia is a hugely diverse nation.
. It is made up of over 17,500 islands (6,000 of which are inhabited) which are home to over 300 ethnic groups.
. Each province has its own language, ethnic make-up, religions and history.
. Most people will define themselves locally before nationally.
. In addition there are many cultural influences stemming back from difference in heritage. Indonesians are a mix of Chinese, European, Indian, and Malay.
. Although Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world it also has a large number of  Christian Protestants, Catholics, Hindus and Buddhists.
. This great diversity has needed a great deal of attention from the government to maintain a cohesion.
. As a result the national motto is  "Unity in Diversity", the language has been standardised and a national philisophy has been devised know as "Pancasila" which stresses universal justice for all Indonesians.
Group Thinking
. Due to the diverse nature of Indonesian society there exists a strong pull towards the group, whether family, village or island.
. People will define themselves according to their ethnic gourp, family and place of birth.
. The family is still very traditional in structure.
. Family members have clearly defined roles and a great sense of interdependence.


. As with most group orientated cultures, hierarchy plays a great role in Indonesian culture.
. Hierarchical relationships are respected, emphaised and maintained.
. Respect is usually shown to those with status, power, position, and age.
. This can be seen in both the village and the office where the most senior is expected to make group decisions.
. Superiors are often called "bapak" or "ibu", which means the equivalent of father or mother, sir or madam.
. Although those higher up the hierarchy make decisions Indonesians are advocates of group discussion and consensus. This ties back to the idea of maintaing strong group cohesiveness and harmonious relationships.


. Due to the need to maintain group harmony the concept of 'face' is important to understand.
. In Indonesia the concept is about avoiding the cause of shame ("malu").
. Consequently, people are very careful how they interact and speak.
. Although a foreigner can not be expected to understand the nuances of the concept it is crucial to keep an eye on ones behaviour.
. One should never ridicule, shout at or offend anyone. Imperfections should always be hidden and addresses privately. Similarly blame should never be aimed at any individual/group publicly.
. One manifestation of the concept of face/shame is that Indonesians communite quite indirectly, i.e. they would never wish to cause anyone shame by giving them a negative answer so would phrase it a way where you would be expected to realise what they truly want to say.
. Bahasa Indonesian actually has 12 ways of saying "No" and several other ways of saying "Yes" when the actual meaning is "No" !!

General Etiquette Guidelines

Meeting and Greeting

Greetings can be rather formal as they are meant to show respect.
. A handshake is the most common greeting accompanied with the word "Selamat".
. Many Indonesians may give a slight bow or place their hands on their heart after shaking your hand.
. If you are being introduced to several people, always start with the eldest or most senior person first.
. Titles are important in Indonesia as they signify status. If you know of any titles ensure you use them in conjunction with the name.
. Some Indonesians only have one name, although it is becoming more common for people to have a first name and a surname, especially in the middle class.
. Many Indonesians, especially those from Java, may have had an extremely long name, which was shortened into a sort of nickname for everyday conversation.
. There are several ethnic groups in Indonesia. Most have adopted Indonesian names over the years, while some retain the naming conventions of their ethnicity. Gift Giving Etiquette

Gift giving etiquette in Indonesia heavily depends on the ethnicity of the receiver..
Here are some general gift giving guidelines:

Gift giving etiquette for the Chinese:

. It is considered polite to verbally refuse a gift before accepting it. This shows that the recipient is not greedy.
. Items to avoid include scissors, knives or other cutting utensils as they indicate that you want to sever the relationship.
. Elaborate wrapping is expected - gold and red and considered auspicious.
. Gifts are not opened when received.

Gift giving etiquette for ethnic Malays / Muslims:

. In Islam alcohol is forbidden. Only give alcohol if you know the recipient will appreciate it.
. Any food substance should be "halal" - things that are not halal include anything with alcoholic ingredients or anything with pork derivatives such as gelatine. Halal meat means the animal has been slaughtered according to Islamic principles.
. Offer gifts with the right hand only.
. Gifts are not opened when received.

Gift giving etiquette for ethnic Indians:

. Offer gifts with the right hand only.
. Wrap gifts in red, yellow or green paper or other bright colors as these bring good fortune.
. Do not give leather products to a Hindu.
. Do not give alcohol unless you are certain the recipient imbibes.
. Gifts are not opened when received.

Dining Etiquette

Dining etiquette is generally relaxed but depends on the setting and context. The more formal the occasion the more formal the behaviour. Below are some basic dining etiquette tips.

. Wait to be shown to your place - as a guest you will have a specific position.
. Food is often taken from a shared dish in the middle. You will be served the food and it would not be considered rude if you helped yourself after that.
. If food is served buffet style then the guest is generally asked to help themselves first. It is considered polite that the guest insist others go before him/her but this would never happen.
. In formal situations, men are served before women.
. Wait to be invited to eat before you start.
. A fork and spoon are often the only utensils at the place setting. Depending on the situation some people may use their hands.
. Eat or pass food with your right hand only.

Business Etiquette & Protocol

Business Cards

. Business cards are normally exchanged after the initial handshake and greeting.
. Business cards should display your title. This helps enhance your image and credibility.
. Although not required, having one side of your card printed in Bahasa shows respect.
. Give/accept cards using two hands or the right hand.
. Examine a business card you receive before putting it on the table next to you or in a business card case.
. It is important to treat business cards with respect.

What to Wear?

. Business attire is generally conservative.
. Women should dress conservatively ensuring that they are well covered from ankle to neck. Tight fitting clothes are best avoided.
. Remember it is hot, so cotton or at least light clothing is best.

Communication Styles

. Indonesians are indirect communicators. This means they do not always say what they mean. It is up to the listener to read between the lines or pay attention to gestures and body language to get the real message.
. Generally speaking Indonesians speak quietly and with a subdued tone. Loud people would come across as slightly aggressive. 
Business is personal in Indonesia so spend time through communication to build a strong relationship. Dealing with someone face-to-face is the only effective way of doing business.
. Indonesians abhor confrontation due to the potential loss of face. To be polite, they may tell you what they think you want to hear. If you offend them, they will mask their feelings and maintain a veil of civility. If an Indonesian begins to avoid you or acts coldly towards you, there is a serious problem.

Business Meetings

. Initial meetings may be more about getting-to-know-you rather than business. Do not be surprised if business is not even discussed.
. It is common for Indonesians to enter the meeting room according to rank. Although you do not have to do this, doing so would give a good impression.
. Indonesians do not make hasty decisions because they might be viewed as not having given the matter sufficient consideration. Be prepared to exercise patience.
. "Jam Karet" (rubber time) describes the Indonesian approach to time. Things are not rushed as the attitude is that everything has its time and place. Time does not bring money, good relations and harmony do.
. If negotiating, avoid pressure tactics as they are likely to backfire.

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Culture Of France

Languages in France

French, the official language, is the first language of 88% of the population. Most of those who speak minority languages also speak French, as the minority languages are given no legal recognition. 3% of the population speak German dialects, predominantly in the eastern provinces of Alsace-Lorraine and Moselle. Flemish is spoken by around 90,000 people in the northeast, which is 0.2% of the French population. Around 1m people near the Italian border, roughly 1.7% of the population, speaks Italian.
Basque is spoken by 0.1% and mainly along the French-Spanish border.

French Society & Culture


. Food is one of the great passions of the French people.
. French cooking is highly refined and involves careful preparation, attention to detail, and the use of fresh ingredients.
. It varies by region and is heavily influenced by what is grown locally.

French Family Values

. The family is the social adhesive of the country and each member has certain duties and responsibilities.
. The extended family provides both emotional and financial support.
. Despite their reputation as romantics, the French have a practical approach towards marriage.
. Families have few children, but parents take their role as guardians and providers very seriously.

Relationships - Public vs. Private

. The French are private people and have different rules of behaviour for people within their social circle and those who are not.
. Although the French are generally polite in all dealings, it is only with their close friends and family that they are free to be themselves.
. Friendship brings with it a set of roles and responsibilities, including being available should you be needed. Friendship involves frequent, if not daily, contact.

Etiquette & Customs in France Meeting Etiquette

. The handshake is a common form of greeting.
. Friends may greet each other by lightly kissing on the cheeks, once on the left cheek and once on the right cheek.
. First names are reserved for family and close friends. Wait until invited before using someone's first name.
. You are expected to say 'bonjour' or 'bonsoir' (good morning and good evening) with the honorific title Monsieur or Madame when entering a shop and 'au revoir' (good-bye) when leaving.
. If you live in an apartment building, it is polite to greet your neighbours with the same appellation.

Gift Giving Etiquette

Flowers should be given in odd numbers but not 13, which is considered unlucky.
. Some older French retain old-style prohibitions against receiving certain flowers: White lilies or chrysanthemums as they are used at funerals; red carnations as they symbolize bad will; any white flowers as they are used at weddings.
. Prohibitions about flowers are not generally followed by the young. When in doubt, it is always best to err on the side of conservatism.
. If you give wine, make sure it is of the highest quality you can afford. The French appreciate their wines.
. Gifts are usually opened when received. Dining Etiquette

If you are invited to a French house for dinner:
. Arrive on time. Under no circumstances should you arrive more than 10 minutes later than invited without telephoning to explain you have been detained.
. The further south you go in the country, the more flexible time is.
. If invited to a large dinner party, especially in Paris, send flowers the morning of the occasion so that they may be displayed that evening.
. Dress well. The French are fashion conscious and their version of casual is not as relaxed as in many western countries.

Table manners:

. Table manners are Continental -- the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right while eating.
. If there is a seating plan, you may be directed to a particular seat.
. Do not begin eating until the hostess says 'bon appetit'.
. If you have not finished eating, cross your knife and fork on your plate with the fork over the knife.
. Do not rest your elbows on the table, although your hands should be visible and not in your lap.
. Finish everything on your plate.
. Do not cut salad with a knife and fork. Fold the lettuce on to your fork.
. Peel and slice fruit before eating it.
. Leave your wineglass nearly full if you do not want more.

Business Etiquette and Protocol in France Relationships & Communication

 French business behaviour emphasizes courtesy and a degree of formality.
. Mutual trust and respect is required to get things done.
. Trust is earned through proper behaviour.
. Creating a wide network of close personal business alliances is very important.
. If you do not speak French, an apology for not knowing their language may aid in developing a relationship.
. It is always a good idea to learn a few key phrases, since it demonstrates an interest in a long-term relationship.
. The way a French person communicates is often predicated by their social status, education level, and which part of the country they were raised.
.  In business, the French often appear extremely direct because they are not afraid of asking probing questions.
. Written communication is formal. Secretaries often schedule meetings and may be used to relay information from your French business colleagues.

Business Meetings Etiquette

. Appointments are necessary and should be made at least 2 weeks in advance.
. Appointments may be made in writing or by telephone and, depending upon the level of the person you are meeting, are often handled by the secretary.
. Do not try to schedule meetings during July or August, as this is a common vacation period.
. If you expect to be delayed, telephone immediately and offer an explanation.
. Meetings are to discuss issues, not to make decisions.
. Avoid exaggerated claims, as the French do not appreciate hyperbole.

Business Negotiation

. French business emphasizes courtesy and a fair degree of formality.
. Wait to be told where to sit.
. Maintain direct eye contact while speaking.
. Business is conducted slowly. You will have to be patient and not appear ruffled by the strict adherence to protocol.
. Avoid confrontational behaviour or high-pressure tactics. It can be counterproductive.
. The French will carefully analyze every detail of a proposal, regardless of how minute.
. Business is hierarchical. Decisions are generally made at the top of the company.
. The French are often impressed with good debating skills that demonstrate an intellectual grasp of the situation and all the ramifications.
. Never attempt to be overly friendly. The French generally compartmentalize their business and personal lives.
. Discussions may be heated and intense.
. High-pressure sales tactics should be avoided. The French are more receptive to a low-key, logical presentation that explains the advantages of a proposal in full.
. When an agreement is reached, the French may insist it be formalized in an extremely comprehensive, precisely worded contract.

Dress Etiquette

. Business dress is understated and stylish.
. Men should wear dark-coloured, conservative business suits for the initial meeting. How you dress later is largely dependent upon the personality of the company with which you are conducting business.
. Women should wear either business suits or elegant dresses in soft colours.
. The French like the finer things in life, so wear good quality accessories.

Business Cards

. Business cards are exchanged after the initial introductions without formal ritual.
. Have the other side of your business card translated into French. Although not a business necessity, it demonstrates an attention to detail that will be appreciated.
. Include any advanced academic degrees on your business card.
. French business cards are often a bit larger than in many other countries.

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